Sitting by my kitchen window
With my oven on tryna stay warm
It's cold outside but it's even colder in here
Where I sit by myself all the time
People come and people will go
Like an ever revolving door
It's funny how with the flick of a switch
You'll forget today ever happened
Where do our memories go?
Are they locked away for safekeeping?
There's a leak in my faucet
Every day it drips and drips
Pulsing with the constant beat of time
Nothing ever stops for anything
There's a whole world out there
But I'm just fine staying right here
Where the rules never change and there's nothing to fear
It is here I can stand to bear
So leave me by myself
I can't handle the world as of now
26 going on 50
Years from now will I remember today?
Tryna stay warm, alone with my thoughts
Sitting by my kitchen window