The jackdaws laugh every night
Their humor eludes me
Their Byzantine social structures
Have always been a mystery
But I swear, I swear I'll learn
Mating magpies soften their harsh song
They understand dynamics
Despite all my best efforts
I've never mastered that trick
But I swear, I swear I'll learn
Rooms in their parliaments
Mutter to themselves incessantly
When I imitate them
I always end up lonely
But I swear, I swear I'll learn
Hooded crows feasting on a sheep carcass in the fields of Hertfordshire, England
Share and share alike
But when I offered you a bite of my chicken tikka masala
You went on a hunger strike
But I swear, I swear I'll learn
Oh I swear, I swear I'll learn
Yes I swear, I swear I'll learn