Don't throw your cards in, tidy all your things away, don't be mean help out and listen
Do what your told to, don't be naughty, look where you're goin, mind yer own business
Don't keep naggin, just try an be reasonable, don't be cruel to yer brother, he is struggling
Do what yer told to, don't be naughty, look where yer goin, mind yer own business
These are all the rules, these are all the rules
Not nearly all the rules but these are all the rules tho, these are all the rules that you need to know
Don't you run with those scissors, ignore the schism, don't eat like an animal, don't rave like a holy man
Don't question protocol, just take to the program, oh
What makes you so special you can question how we do things?
Don't you know it's always been this way ever since the olden days eternal return of the same ol' same ol'
You know it's always been this way ever since the olden days eternal return of the same ol' same ol'
Same ol' same ol'
These are all the rules, these are all the rules
Not nearly all the rules but these are all the rules tho, these are all the rules that you need to know
So don't throw yer towel in, tidy up yer back yard, mean what you say an try an say what you mean, hey
Do what you need to just to get you thru the day but don't tread on people just to get there
Don't keep on draggin, just try an be reasonable, don't be cruel to yer brother he is struggling
Do what you need to just to get you thru the day but don't tread on people in yer hurry just to get there
These are all the rules, these are all the rules
Not nearly all the rules but these are all the rules tho, these are all the rules that you need to know
Wass wiv all these rules, these cluster-f*cking rules, wass wiv all these rules, rules f*ckin everywhere
Wass wiv all these rules, these cluster-f*cking rules, wass wiv all these rules, rules f*ckin everywhere
Wass wiv all these rules, these cluster-f*cking rules, wass wiv all these rules, rules f*ckin everywhere
Wass wiv all these rules, these cluster-f*cking rules, wass wiv all these rules, rules f*ckin everywhere