[ Featuring Stefan Burke ]
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
He was in the beginning with God
All things were made by Him
And without Him was not
Anything made that was made
In Him was life
And the life was the light of men
And the light shines in darkness
And the darkness could not overcome it
That's when the light switched on
God manifested in flesh
Didn't come to impress
Just came to atone
We like sheep went astray
But a cross made a way
Love called us home
Called us home
Sons and daughters
Heirs to the throne
Healing freedom - faith in Christ
Has made you whole
I close my eyes to see You once again
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
I'm surrounded by Your grace
I can hear You whisper in the wind
Your Word has set me free from fear
You've wiped away my tears
I just want to see You
I just want to see You one more time
I just want to see You one more time
I just want to see You
I just want to see You one more time
I just want to see You one more time
In my dreams I heard You call my name
You raised me up to stand again
You took away my pain
Because of You I have a brand new day
My life will never be the same
You'll always hear me say
I just want to see You
I just want to see You one more time
I just want to see You one more time
I just want to see You
I just want to see You one more time
I just want to see You one more time
Why are you crying?
The girl is not dead, but sleeping
Talita Kumi!
Little girl Arise!
Jesus! You came!
Every sickness, every pain
Every bondage, it was healed in Jesus' name
What's cancer, but a name?
He was mocked and whipped
Despising the shame
He was nailed to the cross
His arms out wide
Father forgive them,
These are the words He cried
As He hung on the tree
The light of the world grew dim
If you only you saw in the spirit
You'd see Him, offering for sin
As he gave up the ghost
He descended to hell
Took back authority Satan had stolen
When Adam, he fell
Now healing is here
And faith is a source
The kingdom of God suffers violence
But the violent, they take it by force
And when You speak Your words to me
My fears and troubles disappear
Every sickness, every pain
Every bondage, it was healed in Jesus' name
You gave my life a brand new day
Forever You will hear me say
I just want to see You
One more time
I just want to see You
(When your hope is gone)
I just want to see You one more time
(And you don't feel strong)
I just want to see You one more time
(Jesus, right here, right now)
I just want to see You
(I just want to see you)
I just want to see You one more time
(In this broken world)
I just want to see You one more time
In Him was life
And the life was the light of men
And the light shines in darkness
And the darkness could not overcome it
Jesus is the same,
Yesterday, today and forever