Virulent contamination injected in your veins
Sympthomatology is evident
Mordicant contagion of the sanguineous cruor
Pathogenesis out break
Arthritic members swell as your body shivers
Semiparalized by pain
Pustules release a chorous secretion
Of gangrenous purulence
Pernicious plague... Of swarming virulence
Created to infest... There's no defence
Infestation - boiling in your scabs
Incubation - engendred in the lad
Aftermath of septicaemia
Suppuration - seeps out of the pores
Inoculation - infected to the gore
Infectious carbuncles macerated by sanies
Blisters expanded on your face
Microscopic terrorist in your organism
Septic havoc in your flesh
Nausea convulse your stomach (pre-emetic retch)
A black vomit is discharged
Effortless defecation of viscid faecal grume
fetid dysenteric scum
Pernicious plague... Of swarming virulence
Created to infest... There's no defence