Shepherd of Israel listen You who lead Joseph like a flock
You, whose throne is on the cheruvim shine out
Revive us Oh G-d of armies restore us
Make Your Face shine upon us and we shall be saved
Shepherd of Israel, oh give ear to me, You who
Lead Joseph like a flock, Your Throne exalted is on the Cheruvim
Shine Out! Restore Israel
Before Efraim, Benjamin, and Menassah rouse your power
And come to save us now-Restore Israel Restore Israel
Shepherd of Israel, oh give ear to me, You who
Lead Joseph like a flock, Your Throne exalted is on the Cheruvim
Shine Out! Restore Israel
How long will you be angry with your people's prayers
Oh L-rd, we bow before You and we offer You
All our thanksgiving and our gratitude
We cry before You, G-d of Jacob
Turn us again Oh L-rd Oh G-d of Abraham and we shall be saved
Oh we shall be saved Oh please cause Your Face to shine upon us
And we shall be healed Oh oh we shall be healed
Shepherd of Israel, oh give ear to me You who
Lead Joseph like a flock Your Throne exalted is on the Cheruvim
Shine Out Restore Israel