Tell me
Who else
Love you
Like He do
A city
Full of gold
A mansion
Made for you
His name is
He gone
Bless you
Make you feel
Brand new
He's working
In your favor
Give Him time
To prove
Alpha Omega
Jehovah Jireh
El Shaddai
Abba you are all
That I need
To survive
Tell me you still
Don't believe
The perfect lamb
He died for you
Adonai made everything
He knew you
Before the womb
He had a lot of enemies
Forgive them Father
They not know what they do
Jesus died
So you & me
We can live
& spread the truth
We can live
& spread the truth
& spread the truth
Habibi Yasue
Habibi Yasue
Habibi Yasue
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
El Shaddai