Rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
When you are someone it is right
To have your rights
Your honor, listen up
Your honor, listen up
She is Pepa, she's a pig
She's as smart as a three-year kid
She dreams and loves her family
A gentle soul, as you can see
But Your honor, the law is mistaken
Seen as a thing, her freedoms are taken
Without rights, she's in danger
Rights, rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
Rights, rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
When you are someone it is right
To have your rights
Your honor, listen up
Ginger, playful, loves to know
Who's a friend, who says hello
Recognizes everyone
Smart and kind, shines like the sun
But Your Honor, the law is mistaken
Seen as a thing, her freedoms are taken
Without rights, she's in danger
Rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
Rights, rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
When you are someone it is right
To have your rights
Your Honor, listen up
Your Honor, listen up
Rights are promises to keep them safe
For everyone, no matter the shape
Dogs, fish, cows, they all deserve
A life of peace, no less, no more
Your Honor, what do you say
Aren't they beings, not things
In this view, justice cannot pay
They're in danger
Rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
Rights, rights, rights are right
Rights for everyone
When you are someone it is right
To have your rights
When you are someone it is right
To have your rights
Your honor, listen up
Your honor, listen up
When you are someone it is right
To have your rights
Your honor, listen up