Run away from me my baby cos you see I'm blue|From now I have nothing to gain as well nothing to lose|I feel so angry, worried, sad, I feel sooooo frail|So now I will turn on the music hoping just to make the grade||DANCING IN MY KITCHEN.I START DANCING IN MY KITCHEN||It's pretty nice to be alone when the night is dark|The city falls asleep in silence instead I start|I start turning around and thinkingÃ- thinking of you dear|And even if I miss you much now I wouldnà t have you here||COS I'M DANCING IN MY KITCHEN DANCING IN MYÃ-Ã-||I love walking barefoot and tapping on the tiled floor|Ità s cold under my feet instead the air is so perfectly warm|The light is dim, the room is homely and the wine is sweet|And urgently I call you begging: baby run to me!||Ã<