I wake up in the morning, I yawn and stretch
I get a drink of water, and I know what needs to happen next
I look at my humans, but they seem confused
I let out a whine or two, but they don't seem to know what to do
I don't speak English, but I think they'd know
There's only one place in the entire world that I could possibly be wanting to go
I run in circles trying to bite my tail
I hope they get the message soon before my bladder starts to fail
But then they start to get the hint
They put on shoes, I start to cry
They grab my leash and I go crazy
That smells good, I'm a pee on it
That smells good, let me pee on it
That smells weird, let me pee on it
I'm a pee on it, pee on it, pee on it
That smells good, I'm a pee on it
Middle of the street? I'm a pee on it
Twig or a branch, I'm a pee on it
And now I'm gonna take a plunk
Now I feel much better, a happy little fluff-fluff girl
I prance around like a princess, and then drink so much water I almost hurl
I wanna play with my humans, but they're busy on their own
I stare at them relentlessly, c'mon and throw this little pupper dog a bone
I snoodle up right beside them
Give 'em the sad puppy eyes
Roll on my back as if to say
Rubbins! Belly Rubs
Yo quiero belly rubs
Belly rubs, give up the belly rubs
Hook a dog up with some belly rubs
Scratch it! Belly Rubs
All day long, I want the belly rubs
Wait stop! Just kidding
Belly Rubs
And now I'm gonna take a nap!