Get your eyes open wide|And take a good look there outside|You're not here to be denied|Let them have it|Sail them rivers, fly those skies|Thirty-thousand suns to rise|And among them your true love lies|You're gonna find it||Little Face|Little Face|You got big things coming|Bigger than you ever dreamed|Little Face|Little Face|I am beside you running|On this good ol' boy you can lean|You can lean||See Little Face I understand|I won't force you on command|You can meet your own demands|And I will help you||See Little Face|Little Face|We got big things coming|Bigger than you ever dreamed|Little Face|Little Face|I am beside you running|On this good ol' boy you can lean|You can lean||And if the law should ever catch you|Doing things you shouldn't ought to do|Count on me to raise your ball 'cause|I've done worse than you could ever do||Little Face|Little Face|I ame beside you running|On this ol' boy you can lean|You can lean|You can lean right here|Little Face|