Lord of all creation
Now before thy throne
We thy people bring thee
Gifts that are thine own
Of thine own we offer
Of thy gifts we give
Unto thee, O Father
In whose life all live
All the gold and silver
Corn on plains and hills
Grass upon the mountains
Water in the rills
All things yield thee glory
With thy light they shine
Thou all art inspirest
Science, skill are thine
Body, soul, and spirit
Thought and speech, and song
Come of thee, Creator
And to thee belong
These in bounden duty
We devote to thee
Thine is all the dower
Thine the glory be
Of thine own we offer
Of thy gifts we give
Unto thee, O Father
In whose life all live
Thine is all the greatness
Power and glory thine
High o'er all exalted
Majesty divine
Of thine own we offer
Of thy gifts we give
Unto thee, O Father
In whose life all live