You pull me in
And as I sink I try to hold onto anything
But it all fades away
Every moment, fleeting faster
Months ago now feels like days
And I can never find space
All my time just wastes away
It slips through my fingers
Memories I once cherished
Replaced with nothing, they perish
Unflinching, it closes in
The event horizon beckoning
No escape from the everblack
You pull me in
And as I sink I try to hold onto anything
But it all fades away
Helpless, my connections vanish
Just blips consumed by the frantic
In their eyes I just appear static
An idle mind who might have never cared
Crushed by regret
As I'm dragged towards
My last breath
It slips through my fingers
Not even a linger
The air's getting thinner
I feel your gaze
Pierce my soul
You're always there
I know my fate
But I'll hold on while you erase
All that I am, but until that day
I'm still here
Clutching memories desperately
If I lose them then what's left of me?
A life never lived
An empty vessel in reverie
Devour me
I'll do my best while I remain
'Cos while we rot
And fade away
It all still adds up to everything
I won't let go
I will grow faint
But every moment I'm still here can mean something
Let it devour me