Okay, alright
I suppose, I suppose, it's time, yup
Time to start documenting this
I don't know, for posterity or?
Yeah, yeah for posterity of course
About what I'm about to do
They'll want to know, won't they?
They'll, they'll need to know
To understand how it all began and, and why I, changed
But they won't understand
No, no, no they never did
But that's not for me to worry about, is it?
No, no, no
They say every villain has an origin story
A moment when, I don't know, everything shifts
When the world pushes just a little too far
And for me it, it wasn't just a moment
No, nope, no, God no it was, it was a lifetime
A lifetime of being pushed, of being cast aside
Of trying, so hard to fit into a world that, that never wanted me
A lifetime of bending over backwards just to be noticed
To, to, I don't know, to be accepted?
But, that acceptance never came
No matter how hard I, I tried
I was always the outcast, the, the, always the one on the fringes
Barely noticed until, until I 'd make a mistake
And, and then, then I was their villain, the one they could mock and scorn
But, but when I played the game the way they expected
I became their darling, for a moment
But it was never enough
I never, truly, belonged
The harder I tried, the more they found reasons to reject me
They thought I would break under their pressure
That I would crumble into, their nothing
But instead something within me began to change
Slowly, slowly at first, a shift
A dark shift, in the shadows of my mind
My anger grew, yes, yeah but, but it was more than that
It was a revelation
No, no that's not it, no
No, not a revelation
A realization
That they didn't deserve the person I had tried so hard to become
No, no, they deserved something far worse
Until one day, one day, something inside me, snapped
No, no, no, no
Yeah, yes, yes, popped like a balloon stretched too thin
There was no warning, no gradual build-up, just a sudden
Glorious release
And a rush of clarity as the pressure vanished
No more, no more trying to fit into their mold
No more containment
No more playing by their rules
My, my suppressed pain transformed into something
Something darker
Something they could have never
Never have anticipated
They wanted a monster in their nightmares?
And I gave them exactly, exactly that
I didn't just accept the role they forced on me
I uh, I evolved into something beyond
Beyond their worst fears
I became, what they could never control