This song has just three chords C F and G
This song has just three chords but that's enough for me
Give me some three-word phrases and I will praise the Lord
Jesus loves me that will do
This I know that one too
For the Bible right on cue
Tells me so doobie doobie doo
Praise the Lord Jesus loves me
Praise the Lord this I know
Praise the Lord for the Bible is the book that tells me so
This song has just three players the drummer the bass guy and me
This song has just three players oh yeah and singers three
Give me some three-word phrases and I will praise the Lord
Father Son Spirit that will do
One in three that is true
God's own Son right on cue
Died for me doobie doobie doo
Praise the Lord Father Son Spirit
Praise the Lord one in three
Praise the Lord God's own Son was crucified for me
This song has just three verses the other two and this one
This song has just three verses we must be almost done (but wait)
Give me some three-word phrases and I will praise the Lord
God as Man that will do
Died and rose that one too
He's coming back right on cue
Every body knows doobie doobie doo
Praise the Lord God as Man
Praise the Lord died and rose
Praise the Lord he's coming back for the bride his Father chose