I'm so glad the summer came
Does that mean we get to go
On a family trip again
To the sea, where palm trees grow
Let's head down to the beach
I like jumping in the waves
Daddy, Daddy, will you teach
Me how to swim today
Can we stop by the playground
Jonny says there's a new slide
Daddy, come here, help me down
Mommy, where did you find
My big yellow elephant
He's so big! How come he floats
Mommy, he is my best friend
No way it's time to go
How come the bus won't come
I don't want to wait in line
Mommy, why is everyone
So angry all the time
Why does the bus driver yell
At the people at each stop
Mommy, that old woman fell
Why will no one help her up
How come the grass is green
How come the sky is blue
Mommy, I had a bad dream
Can I come and lay with you
Mommy, can we get a dog
I would teach it not to bark
We could take it for a walk
When we go to the park
Why can't I play outside
I don't want to wait for dad
Mommy, will there be a riot
No, that's something Jonny said
Daddy says the car won't run
Cause no one is selling gas
Mommy, mommy, how come
There's no more music class
Where did toilet paper go
The newspaper don't feel right
Why is there no food at the store
Why does daddy have to hide
Mommy, what is there to eat
I cannot get full on bread
There's screaming in the street
I'm too scared to go to bed
Why did the police today
Stomp their feet and shout a lot
Why did they take dad away
Mommy, was that a gunshot
Who are those men in masks
Marching outside our door
Mommy, someone broke glass
Mommy, will there be a war