Even though I walk
Through the valley of the shadow of death
I fear no Evil
Even when I eat and sleepin the presence of my enemies
There is a God that never sleeps
He's behind me
He will always keep me
Oyen ya na chiya so
Ihere adigi emeya manchaa
Ogadi Ka ugbu Zion
Nke adye ewezuga na olodi ya
Munachim Munachim so
Munachim Munachim so
Munachim Munachim so
Munachim munachim
When I work I don't stumble
When I run I don't faint
When people say there's a casting down
I will always say there's a lifting up
There is a conviction in me
I keep mounting on wings like an eagle
Oyen ya na chiya so
Ihere adigi emeya mancha
Ogadi Ka ugbu Zion
Nke adye ewezuga na olodi ya
Munachim Munachim so
Munachim Munachim so
Munachim Munachim so
Munachim munachim