This doesn't feel real
It doesn't feel normal
I am just beginning to heal
Oh god, this goes against my morals
It still calls to me
The heat still dances across my veins
But I am finally beginning to breathe
And I'm starting to get over the pain
As you wrote words across my wrist
I was hoping you wouldn't notice
I was hoping that the scars would be missed by your eyes
But you noticed
You glanced up at me
I am just beginning to heal and I was worried you'd judge me
Those scars were created by broken glass fragments, cutting deep into my skin
But you didn't judge me
You didn't show fear
You showed compassion
When you wrote the word "healed" across my wrist
My heart fell to my stomach
I didn't know what to think
I felt relieved and afraid
I just wanted you to know that I am okay
I'm not finished yet
I've still got a long way to go
Recovery is hard to get
But I'm not letting go
Thank you for noticing
Thank you for caring
I'm healing
And someday, I hope to be healed