Little bird on a wall
Hungry yellow feathery ball
Hopping around with folded wings
Pecking in the cracks for the tasty greasy grainy things
Cat crept up - tail swish-swash like a whiplash
Eyes like a vacuum cleaner, hungry fort hat speck of moving yellow dust
Body tense like a new bedspring
Ready to make the deadly dash to the tasty moving yellow thing
Why me, sang the bird
Stop chasing me, spare me, stop making me flee!
Feed on what they give you, already dead and without soul
Then if you´re satisfied and safe you can sit next to me and leave me whole
If you don´t want to be hunted don´t act like prey, said the cat
If you don´t like the game just don´t come out to play, said the cat
If you like to challenge the way things are, well let me take the test
If you wanna play with fire
Fine come here, be my guest
I don´t mind your staying
Just don´t complain about the pain