I wish I were a mountain thrusting up to the sky
Bursting up through the mantle never to die
But I would die today if I knew my spirit would survive
I'd throw it all away, I wouldn't say goodbye
I wish I were a rogue planet, floating out in the night
No star to orbit, no gravity to fight
But I'd settle down if it could make me feel alright
I'd give up my freedom, to live in the light
I wish I were an angel, sitting up on a cloud
Nothing to worry about, no questions to bandy around
I'd give up my questions, for that soft sanguine sound
I wouldn't feel anxious, I wouldn't feel proud
So I wish I were a mountain, I could not say a word
Just sit in my silence, unaware of the world
But I'd give up my silence, if I thought I'd be heard
I wish I were a seed, I wish you were a bird