Manatsu no piiku ga satta tenkiyohoushi ga terebi de itteta
Soredemo imadani machi wa ochitsukanai youna ki ga shiteiru
Yuugata goji no chaimu ga kyou wa nandaka mune ni hibiite
"Unmei" nante benri na mono de bon'yari sasete
Saigo no hanabi ni kotoshi mo natta na
Nannen tatte mo omoidashite shimau na
Naikanaa na iyou na kitto ne inai yo na
Attara ieru ka na mabuta tojite ukabeteiru yo
Sekai no yakusoku o shitte sore nari ni natte mata modotte
Gaitou no akari ga mata hitotsu tsuite kaeri o isogu yo
Togireta yume no tsuzuki o torimodoshitaku natte
Saigo no hanabi ni kotoshi mo natta na
Nannen tatte mo omoidashite shimau na
Naikanaa na iyou na kitto ne inai yo na
Attara ieru ka na mabuta tojite ukabeteiru yo
Surimuita mama boku wa sotto arukidashite
Saigo no hanabi ni kotoshi mo natta na
Nannen tatte mo omoidashite shimau na
Naikanaa na iyou na nante ne omotteta
Maitta na maitta na hanasu koto ni mayou na
Saigo no saigo no hanabi ga owattara
Bokura wa kawaru ka na onaji sora o miageteiru yo
The peak of midsummer has passed, as the weather forecaster said on TV
Still, the town feels restless, somehow
The chime at 5 o'clock in the evening resonated in my heart today
Making me vaguely think about "fate" and its convenience
Another year has passed with the last fireworks
No matter how many years go by, I can't help but remember
Maybe they're not here, surely not, they're not here
If I meet them, can I say it? I close my eyes and picture it
Knowing the promises of the world, becoming something of it, and returning again
The streetlights' lights come on again, and I hurry home
I want to reclaim the interrupted continuation of my dream
Another year has passed with the last fireworks
No matter how many years go by, I can't help but remember
Maybe they're not here, surely not, they're not here
If I meet them, can I say it? I close my eyes and picture it
Quietly starting to walk with scraped knees
Another year has passed with the last fireworks
No matter how many years go by, I can't help but remember
I thought maybe they weren't here, but who knows
Oh no, oh no, I'm lost for words
When the very last fireworks are over
Will we change while looking up at the same sky?
真夏のピークが去った 天気予報士がテレビで言ってた
それでもいまだに街は 落ち着かないような 気がしている
夕方5時のチャイムが 今日はなんだか胸に響いて
ないかな ないよな きっとね いないよな
会ったら言えるかな まぶた閉じて浮かべているよ
世界の約束を知って それなりになって また戻って
街灯の明かりがまた 一つ点いて 帰りを急ぐよ
ないかな ないよな きっとね いないよな
会ったら言えるかな まぶた閉じて浮かべているよ
すりむいたまま 僕はそっと歩き出して
ないかな ないよな なんてね 思ってた
まいったな まいったな 話すことに迷うな
僕らは変わるかな 同じ空を見上げているよ
[show all]
Manatsu no piiku ga satta tenkiyohoushi ga terebi de itteta
Soredemo imadani machi wa ochitsukanai youna ki ga shiteiru
Yuugata goji no chaimu ga kyou wa nandaka mune ni hibiite
"Unmei" nante benri na mono de bon'yari sasete
Saigo no hanabi ni kotoshi mo natta na
Nannen tatte mo omoidashite shimau na
Naikanaa na iyou na kitto ne inai yo na
Attara ieru ka na mabuta tojite ukabeteiru yo
Sekai no yakusoku o shitte sore nari ni natte mata modotte
Gaitou no akari ga mata hitotsu tsuite kaeri o isogu yo
Togireta yume no tsuzuki o torimodoshitaku natte
Saigo no hanabi ni kotoshi mo natta na
Nannen tatte mo omoidashite shimau na
Naikanaa na iyou na kitto ne inai yo na
Attara ieru ka na mabuta tojite ukabeteiru yo
Surimuita mama boku wa sotto arukidashite
Saigo no hanabi ni kotoshi mo natta na
Nannen tatte mo omoidashite shimau na
Naikanaa na iyou na nante ne omotteta
Maitta na maitta na hanasu koto ni mayou na
Saigo no saigo no hanabi ga owattara
Bokura wa kawaru ka na onaji sora o miageteiru yo
[show all]
The peak of midsummer has passed, as the weather forecaster said on TV
Still, the town feels restless, somehow
The chime at 5 o'clock in the evening resonated in my heart today
Making me vaguely think about "fate" and its convenience
Another year has passed with the last fireworks
No matter how many years go by, I can't help but remember
Maybe they're not here, surely not, they're not here
If I meet them, can I say it? I close my eyes and picture it
Knowing the promises of the world, becoming something of it, and returning again
The streetlights' lights come on again, and I hurry home
I want to reclaim the interrupted continuation of my dream
Another year has passed with the last fireworks
No matter how many years go by, I can't help but remember
Maybe they're not here, surely not, they're not here
If I meet them, can I say it? I close my eyes and picture it
Quietly starting to walk with scraped knees
Another year has passed with the last fireworks
No matter how many years go by, I can't help but remember
I thought maybe they weren't here, but who knows
Oh no, oh no, I'm lost for words
When the very last fireworks are over
Will we change while looking up at the same sky?
[show all]
真夏のピークが去った 天気予報士がテレビで言ってた
それでもいまだに街は 落ち着かないような 気がしている
夕方5時のチャイムが 今日はなんだか胸に響いて
ないかな ないよな きっとね いないよな
会ったら言えるかな まぶた閉じて浮かべているよ
世界の約束を知って それなりになって また戻って
街灯の明かりがまた 一つ点いて 帰りを急ぐよ
ないかな ないよな きっとね いないよな
会ったら言えるかな まぶた閉じて浮かべているよ
すりむいたまま 僕はそっと歩き出して
ないかな ないよな なんてね 思ってた
まいったな まいったな 話すことに迷うな
僕らは変わるかな 同じ空を見上げているよ