Humane: Give me a word to describe myself
You're trying much too hard to be someone else
Impossible, improbable. Selfish, and you're stubborn
Who the f*ck are you to judge? I'm only as good as you make me
A lifeless shell to a hopeless romantic
I've fallen apart, but it's what keeps me going
Escape my reality when I needed you the most
Broken logic to a smaller promise. Unfinished words to undo the thought
A friend, but it is more than I could have ever hoped for
A son. But do I make you proud?
Who the f*ck are you to judge? I'm only as good as you make me
A lifeless shell to a hopeless romantic
Similar names to a difference that there is no welcome written across my chest
Leave the dirt and the cold at the door
You don't miss me; an imperfection, but aren't we all?
Conceited and irrelevant to an existence of worthless intentions
But I'll continue waiting
I'll continue waiting for a person, a human being
A promise is only worth the sickened skin of lies polluted with an unfortunate supplement
Prescription for disappointment, the description of life
An expression, I don't need you. No