Good things take time|But great things will crash on you like a wave|When you're lookin' away|Feel the waves crashin' |Leaving only the next one that's in line|Is this one mine|Take a look around you|Where do you want to be|What will it take 'til you get there|Don't be afraid to bleed ||(chorus)|Don't waste your life followin' shadows|You're only gonna find that they disappear in the night|Enlighten your shallows |Before your fascination dies|Just to say you tried||Dig a little deeper|Listen to the voice behind the face|It all has its place |Funny how things work out|Our perspective changes with the tide|Drownin' your pride |Take a look around you|Where do you want to be|What will it take til you get there|Don't be afraid to bleed ||(repeat chorus)||(bridge)|Hope is the only motivation|Keep lookin' and it's what you're gonna find|Give in to your determination |Just to say that you tried|Take a look around you|Where do you want to be|What will it take til you get there|Don't be afraid to bleed ||