The life of the party is all partied out|The girl so sure is now full of doubt|Some sink to the bottom you rose to the top|The higher you are the harder you drop||You're new leading men look nervous tonight|Will they remember their lines when you turn out the lights|And i's baby this, baby that|Should I kneel at your feet should I tip my hat||(chorus)|You're everybody's baby|Toast of the town|Number one lady|You wear the crown|You still miss my loving |And the way we were|You're everybody's baby|But nobody's girl||The partie's over, no one's ready to leave|There's your circle of friends and then there's me|Flashback to the nights on Hilltop lane |Car breakin' down makin' love in the rain||You were too hot to handle, I was too young to care|You were goin' places I was goin' nowhere|Who's there to hold you when your spirits fall|I'm the only one that you would ever call||(repeat chorus)||They say it's the loneliest was up at the top|But once you start climbin' it's hard to stop|Too much applause can go to your head|You need to be kissed and tucked into bed||