It was another busy day
All you want is get home and sleep
To Lie in your bed
And what was to be a rest
Becomes a torment
You try to wake up
But you realize
You're a prisoner of your nightmare
While not to face your fear
Will be a
Prisoner of your Nightmare
You are half awake
Half asleep, in beta
And is the nightmare
That it chills your soul
You feel the cold at the tip
Of your hair
You try to wake up
But you realize
You're a prisoner of your nightmare
While not to face your fear
Will be a
Prisoner of your Nightmare
You contorse, gnashing of teeth
You do not know
What's going on
Your body is pulled
As if someone wanted to rip your soul
You scream, but your voice is trailed off
You open your eyes and cannot see
You try to move but goes nowhere
Suffering a heavy boost
It was another busy day
You try to wake up
But you realize
You're a prisoner of your nightmare
While not to face your fear
Will be a
Prisoner of your Nightmare