Have you seen anything that captures the eye so completely?
Have you felt anything restless and warm?
Have you seen anything that yields such construction?
Have you known anything to reap such destruction?
The ship that I'am building board by board
Will finally then leave from this shore The vessel about to leave the land
Will prove a casket for any unworthy man.
Passed the breakers, into the rain.
Flying not in vain.
Able where is Cain who taught us to offer grain?
How far out must I go before you stop pushing me back?
I see you now. I see you now.
From the moon unto your heart the pull into the knowing
Come adrift, come apart. Your guiding star is glowing.
Every wave you hide your face from the world a vain cry from the beach
You pretend to not have heard. All that was shall come undone.