I never knew what love was like
Until I saw your face
And suddenly I felt a love
That time could not erase
Your eyes so sweet and piercing
Your manner kind yet strong
The kind of girl I could love forever
We'd spend the rest of our lives together
And in my life I don't think I've ever
Been so f*cking wrong
You're a bitch with no heart
You're a lier, you are Satan
And I hate the way you snore at night
All your quirks piss me off
And I don't think I'm mistaking
Your compulsive need to
Always be right
You're bossy and judgmental
Kind of tactless, boring too
And I really can't believe I ever
Fell in love with you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I know that all seemed kind of harsh
And things weren't always bad
In fact I think some times we shared
Were the best that I've ever had
Like our road trip that one summer
Or those steamy nights in Spain
You always melted
When I would praise you
And My stupid jokes
They would never phase you
That don't mean shit
Next to all the ways you
Drove Me So Insane
You're a cock-frickin' tease
Girl, you never stop you're talking
At sometimes you've got a double chin
You may say it's good fun
But your racist rants are shocking
And your lips don't need more collagen
All you care about is how much someone
Makes and what they do
Not a man in his right mind would ever
Fall in love with you
You always criticized the
Clothes that I would wear
And found a way of pointing out
My thinning hair
really nice
You turned me vegan
Which I totally despise
And I'm pretty sure you laughed
That time I said
Lets Compromise
If you were shot, or beaten
Or run over by a truck
I guess that I'd be sad
But then again...
It wouldn't suck
It wouldn't suck
So goodbye. Hit the road
As a girlfriend you are fired
Find another chump that you can fleece
Years from now, when you're old
And you finally expired,
Girl I hope that you don't rest in peace
Never met someone so selfish
Half the time, my balls were blue
After all that I've endured now
You can safely rest assured now
That your ex is up and cured now
Yes I'm so done being in love
In love with you
Whoa, we're through
Yeah, yeah, whoa
Yes we're done, Allison
Honeybun, it's like over
It was on, and now we're gone
And I've regained my composure
So God Bless, you're a mess
And that's what you call closure
So done being in love with you!