It's depressing really
That I have to learn my native language on Duolingo
A stigma that followed an illegality of being from the north
I can drive past towns that were purposely flooded for clearance on the road to Dundonnel
And you can still see the chimneys poking out of the ground today on a clear day
There's monuments of bloodshed around every corner of where I live
And it's a constant reminder of the previously oppressed people that lived where I do now
There was forced removal from homes with no choices but to emigrate
And the populations were slaughtered just cause they felt like doing it
There's centuries of being used like a guinea pig by profiteering landlords
And my language, colours, traditions, and instruments were all made illegal
And our heroes were executed
More recently being given weapons of mass destruction against our wishes
They trail ran the poll tax here and we really had no say in it whatsoever
Their games are still on BBC while ours are on Viaplay or Premier Sports or some sort of Pay-per-view thing
They scare mongered the pensioners to vote no and then threatened to cut the phone lines if they did
Cause they believed that
And they promised more devolved powers after we voted No
But yet, two years later they removed them even further and took us out of the EU
So no more devolved powers
Everything costs too much
Tax has increased
The leccy bill has increased ten fold
We're still treated with disdain in the media as well
When Andy Murray loses, he's Scottish
When he wins, he's British
So we're still suffering xenophobia to the day
The SNP are still oppressed and ostracised in Westminster
And we were forced into immigration laws we didn't really agree with
We're being scare mongered again when another vote looms around the corner
If that vote actually happens
So that's 15 years of being a ventriloquists puppet
And 1000s more previously of oppression, slaughter and alienation
And you still think we're in their best interest?