I am driving my 1997 Chevy Cavalier
My piggy is with me and her ears are flat in fear
I've been driving so long it feels like I could disappear
I turn my headlights off in the dark so I can see it clear
The windmills are still and I suck on the neck of my favorite beer
I stop at the nearest 76 station spend my last buck on a glass heart souvenir
The Punisher is stalking my burnt CD trying to figure out if I got any more tears
I know it's already hunting season but goddamn I wish I wasn't that deer
But I'll keep my faith
I'll run myself straight into the ground
Because even my guardian angel said f*ck it
Yeah, even my guardian angel said f*ck it
Now I'm chasing stars like Marilyn in The Misfits
The sky looks like a diamond chandelier
The rain is dumping deep buckets on my windshield
I plead to God he'll let me live one more year
The Punisher is tailgating down the freeway
If you're gonna ride my ass at least be sincere
I know it's already hunting season but goddamn I wish I wasn't that deer
But I'll keep my faith
I'll run myself straight into the ground
Because even my guardian angel said f*ck it
Yeah, even my guardian angel said f*ck it