Eddie joined the Marine Corps
Went to fight in the Iraq war
When duty called Eddie raised his sword
Eddie got his throat cut
When he searched a village hut
But Eddie didn't die that day
Eddie smiles and laughs away
Don't always hear what you say
He kills the pain that never goes away
With a needle in his arm
Heroin from an afghan farm
Flown in special delivery
Joanie she was goin' to school
Learned to party like a fool
On a bet stuck a needle in her arm
Now Joanie likes to spend her days
In the clouds driftin' away
Her pimp mostly keeps Joanie from harm
Fifteen years in Afghanistan
Our soldiers come back with a hand
That holds them face down in our land
Junkie moms in mini-vans
Turnin' blue after meetin' the man
Ain't what you expect in the promised land
Just how free can Americans be
Addicted to Oxy and TV?
CIA flattens tires to fix them, see?
Record crops in Afghanistan
Find their way to our heartland
Explain that one to me if you can
When they can't score dope in pills
They get a needle for their thrills
Smack brought in from the Afghan hills
Five percent of world population
Takes sixty percent of pain medication
Five million addicts in Junkie Nation
Where doctors dish out opiates
Drug companies freely donate
Pay for thousand dollar plates
To politicians who won't make a stand
Unequipped, they don't understand
Junkie Nation is a corporate disease
Taxation, no representation
Trillions spent on Junkie Nation
Killin' all negative sensation
You can wrap it in the flag
You can nail it to a cross
In a Junkie Nation we're all lost