Sol solecito
Caliéntame un poquito
Hoy y mañana
Y toda la semana
Luna lunera
Que si estas triste
Ella te alegra
Estrellas brillando
La noche iluminando
Ellas son la cura
Para una noche oscura
Planetas girando
A lo lejos orbitando
Es tan inmenso
Nuestro universo!
Sun, sun, little sun
Won't you warm us one by one?
Today and tomorrow
And the day after tomorrow
Moon, moon, lovely moon
Shining over the lagoon
If you're ever feeling sad
She will make you really glad
Stars, stars, oh so high
Won't you brighten up the sky?
Bring your twinkly shiny light
To the dark and gloomy night
Planets, planets far away
Glowing in the Milky Way
This universe of ours
Is so big and full of power