While marching toward oblivion
Please keep an eye upon
The rank and file, the brutish, vile
Those built for the flock
They're the boys who'll work the toys
And brandish forth the cause
They'll agitate the people straight
Straight into our doors
Go forth and bear our standard high
Go forth and proclaim
Go forth and be the sword of truth for us
In our name
The populace can ne'er resist
The urgency we ply
Surround themselves with narrow hells
And bend easily
They're bought and sold so quickly, see
They're in the market's hand
Their desperate lands will soon be sand
And sow calamity
Go forth and seize their broken dreams
Their anguish at their lot
Compile their grief and balance sheet
For future designs
Go forth and bear our standard there
Declaim the coming judgment there
Lay blame and brokenness upon them there