Take one last look. Goodbye to blue ice in your eyes willing now enticed with variety.
Look again at moraine territory unveiled as the giant creeps back toward it's shelf.
Lost are meters of weight surely shifting the crust out of atmosphere in a different hemisphere.
Their advancement will leave the displacement in curved darkened lines to divulge certain boundaries.
Leaving a moonscape behind, while this drive is unkind it is beautiful. Beats the pharmaceutical.
Hopping rocks through the clear tainted water. The deer broken bridge now expired from offerings.
As the years now escape to the stratosphere relieving preserved ancient traces of what happened here.
All the ash seem to dash right in front of you melting away from their eons of solitude.
What can we do to preserve this great mass just to grasp in a nutshell the environment of the past.
Subject to change is the world, rearranged and unfurled into categories, scientific laboratories.