Smash the sunset with Mjöllnir's weeping fury
Let crows explode from their castled cones
Over the graves of gritted-teeth skulls
Let their fists burst the blood soil
And banshee at the bad night
The fight must never die, though we are home
In august robes, the masters of entropy sleep
Limp over thrones of marble decay
Letters there to avoid memory
As blind as the dead
The calcined trees of yesterday
As trumpets herald midnight and silent guns
Let wolves moan their savage flutes
Let moon rockets shoot at the moribund stars
And scream "no!"
Crucify nostalgia
Set a new red flower to burn
Set a new clock to wheel
And char the snow
To Valhalla we must go
Here in the hall of kings
And heroes among sad bell rings
The apples rot with sanguine emotion
An ache for unbroken things
We watch you each year speak sepia hellos
Incantations from slow old fellows
As though gravitas can battle entropy's notion
And smash our gallows
We sup bitter spirits from the cups of Greece
Bone-shot meals at our wheel-trodden feet
And in stupor, care nothing for your mock commotion
We toast each other, and repeat