I'll take out my calendar will that make it any better seeing
As I saved the date I was pumping iron with my buddys
I'm about to tear up i'm reaching for for my water to take attention off her nothing
But a little bit of shame a little bit of shame
Touch Me
F*ck Me
Hurt Me
Rape Me
She'll get a flash back you'll never have done that I just want another beer
I will never know when to stop
When you're such a big persona gradually in a coma of self narcissism
And now you're on the seat the supreme court seat
Touch Me
F*ck Me
Hurt Me
Rape Me
Kavanaugh's Koffin
Kavanaugh's Koffin
Kavanaugh's Koffin
Kavanaugh's Koffin
Kavanaugh's Koffin
Kavanaugh's Koffin