Hoje cedo ele me escreveu diz que tá com planos de me ver /
Não tenho data e hora, mas vou te encontrar /
Cancelada a rotina agendada, inventando até desculpa mística /
Nem mesmo o céu chuvoso /
Me impede, mesmo que faça frio /
Vou viver...
A minha maneira /
E só rir pra essa vida /
E sorrir, ter história pra contar /
E só rir dessa vida passageira /
E sorrir pras pessoas que encontrar /
I got the message that you wrote to me /
You said you`re making plans /
You said you`d come to see me /
But you didn`t say when /
When I heard I cancelled everything that I was supposed to do /
I`m living for this moment, I`m gonna find you /
Not even the rain can hold me down /
No winter storm can stop me now /
I will live... my own way /
This one life is all we have /
To share our love, and let history unfold /
Give ourselves to this empheral life /
Make the best of it, and enjoy the ride.