People of all colors and religions
Should be treated with love and respect
Let's stop the hate and spread the peace
And learn to treat each other better
The LGBTQ community deserves our love
They're just like you and me
We should accept them, not push them away
And treat them with dignity
People of Israel deserve our respect
For all their history and their strife
They deserve to live in peace and harmony
And be treated with kindness and life
The people of Gaza also deserve love
They are human beings just like you and me
We should not judge or hate from afar
But instead work to bring peace and harmony
We're all just people on this earth
No matter what we look like or believe
Let's respect each other, near and far
And learn to live together in peace.
Respect for all, that's what we're singing about
No hate, no prejudice, we need to shout it out
We're all one family, this is our land
We need to show each other some respect and band
People from all walks of life
We're all the same under the sky
We may look different, sound different too
But we all deserve to be respected, that's true