All hail the poor kid with the piece of shit guitar
Banging out some anthem all the way home from the bar
Where your friends, they know you, and they tell you you're a star
Flick your lighter slowly and you feel just like the ash
Falling down to the tar
Daylight, daylight cleans my face
And I am off to some other place
I see my scars, I see the toll
I'm barely scathed
Battle-strong, brow-beaten, sinking up
And we are bound to be un-erased
For we are ghosts
We lost our hearts, we lost our eyes
To those poker-faced men in coats
They haunt the edges of this world
Open your mouth, reveal your throat
They'll cut you up so deep you'll never curl
And I've got that sinking feeling once again
I am an ox among women and men
I haul a load no one can see
They can't cut the ropes, can't set me free
And this night's so long, it f*cking hurts
Get a little glimpse of sun, then back to work
Back breaking all my days
'Til they haul this useless thing, this lifeless mass away
And I feel just like the ash falling down upon the curb
And the wind, it'll lift me up
Scatter me 'round and make me stir
Up into the cold, cold night, the stars
Banging out some anthem all the way home from the bar
Whispering all the way back to you
The one somehow I always knew
The one so painfully far away
But I feel better just knowing your name
I see your face in my dreams
Reach out and you slip away
I count the scars upon my face
I've got stitches for riches and I'm unscathed
I count the scars upon my face
Stitches for riches and I'm unscathed
I am brow-beaten and they call me battle-strong
So I take this glimpse of hope
And I pass it along
I take all my love
And I pass it along