Blow smoke to the sky on a lovely day
Smile to surprise we're alive in a place
Corporate greed hasn't killed us yet
It's funny how they make up debts
But our love just stays anyway
Nothing can reach us when we fly away
Cities shake from the bass I feel
Loving the beat patterns are real
Women Ideal a peaceful haze
Vodka Brained with red Kool-Aid
Dance in the grass mud and rain
I don't care so why should they?
Have room in my worries at all?
Why is life hurried so much?
Soak in music because time delays
Loving the moments down to blaze
I love to live with crazy eyes
Nothing but air forty feet high
Swear to your god I have those wings
But can never fly, just always dream
To fall, wake up on my feet
Life in tangles will always be
Down to end your own life
Abuse the booze no longer high
Brain sick of the shit
Moonstruck Loopy Lunatic
Find a place to finally hide
Tell yourself you're not that guy
I'm the one with cuffs and caged
With you even when you rage
Hope is rotten down to fade
What's Happy lost its life
Left to right looking at me
Not one of you believes in me
You'll always say I'll work for them
Minimum wage and no respect
From jobs and friends or relatives
Youthful soaked in politics
Wasteful human being that dreams
Is what you think of me
Write myself from days on end
Taking the time to love my friends
Stuck in the trench, not one of us aren't
But dreams are big we keep our heart
The love we seek in different things
No matter how hard a no can bleed
We have to try who wants to leave?
A life of colorful thoughts?