Invested with mystery
Covered with snow
A mountain stands
Lapsed into silence all along
And plunged into a reverie
The immense scenery
And following the sun in its way
Which brings the light
And warmth, and every
Fiber of life seems to awake
The mountain contemplates
The boundless world
And the infinite flow of thoughts
Never stops
Like incessant time flow
"Time is impartial
It passes implacably
Along the world
Taking with it civilizations
To the nonentity
Too cold and mysterious
Oblivion's vaults
Disposing of death and rebirth
Thinking it is all-mighty over
Everything in the Universe
But I know life as light
Is eternal
In the world of transient
And passing things
Some day, even when my planet dies
Life will spread its wings
Beauty and love are still
In the dew of their youth
'Cause in all the time I see
Pure souls that keep them
In their reveries"
Invested with mystery
Covered with snow
A mountain stands
Lapsed into silence all along
And plunged into a reverie