EPIC: The Musical is a musical adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey created by Jorge Rivera-Herrans. The creation of the musical was documented through Jorge's TikTok, and the song clips and process videos have gone viral on social media with the process gaining over 60 million views across TikTok.
Jorge Rivera-Herrans first started working on the musical around June of 2019 while in college. For his senior thesis for college, he wanted to create a musical that was inspired by video games and anime to "emulate their addictive sense of progression". He was heavily inspired by these forms of media and makes reference to these influences throughout the musical.
Jorge has documented the entire development process of EPIC through social media, from his initial ideas for each song to the release of each saga. His TikTok videos document his process as he goes through the songs, edits and rewrites in the span of two years. Many of the songs in the musical went through extensive rewrites with some songs being cut and others having been changed to better fit the story and characters.
The final draft of the musical was completed on the 29th of August, 2022.
EPIC is a fully sung through musical consisting of 2 acts with 20 songs per act for a total of 40 songs. Each act is divided into "Sagas" or chapters, which are currently being released as individual albums. The entire musical has a runtime of 2 hours and 16 minutes. Act 1 is about 1 hour and 9 minutes long (1:08:32) and consists of 5 sagas (The Troy Saga, The Cyclops Saga, The Ocean Saga, The Circe Saga, and The Underworld Saga). Act 2 is about 1 hour and 7 minutes long and consists of 4 sagas (The Thunder Saga, The Wisdom Saga, The Vengeance Saga, and The Ithaca Saga).