How is it possible?
It never f*cking seems to make sense
Every path you think will work, merely leads to a fence
What is this obstacle?
The one that's always claiming your head
Taking over your joy, this shit's denser than lead
Upgrade your arsenal
The weapons and the shields you will use
Against an inexistent enemy, you cannot call truce
You're still phenomenal
Losing battles helps you survive
The scars you take onto the next one, increase your drive
Nothing is optimal
Your strength depends on how you respond
For life's a marathon, what can you take to the beyond?
It doesn't take time
To change things around for the better
Start by writing down the things you'll say, letter by letter
Hear the clock chime
The meaning of each tick we can't fathom
I'm making sure I leave behind, loads more than a phantom
Must add another rhyme
Making sure my point gets across
Wrote this in a dark room, for words I'm not at a loss
I had a dream last night, I showed my mama my tats
A weight lifted when she smiled and asked all the "what"s
I woke up, never wanting that to be the end
So I closed my eyes again, and we stopped playing pretend
The girl that helps me have some hope, she was in my arms
We traveled round the world, seeing villages and farms
Every day brought more adventure, that was never questioned
These dreams I hold so dear, were never f*cking threatened
All the while I added, to this collection I call art
Remembering the people, and the places in my heart
Lost friends took paths that crossed eventually with mine
Led to late nights enriched with countless bottles of wine
In the end we all sat down, at the table of my life
Laughing to our heart's content, someone playing the fife
A look around the room, gave me all I'd like to see
There was nothing causing gloom, and I'd never felt so free
The sweat and tears, stained my pillow, when it blew away
A glaring indication that my life had gone astray
The morning nicotine, helped free me of that Limbo
And from that day on, I live by my own Nindō