In a world I make for me
I would have more inner peace
Actually say all that I mean
Even when it hurts
In a world I make for me
People have some empathy
They would stay and never leave
Even when things change
But reality isn't that easy
Questions go unanswered
Fall in love and get hurt
Say some things you don't mean
Can't always say sorry
Lose something you once had
Never get the call back
Just wish they'd say those three words you never heard
Well I just leaned all my heroes have hard days too
I guess everyone cries in their living room
So I'll just sit here
And be blue
If I had it all my way
I would have stayed with Benjamin
But I never would have moved to Nashville
If there's one thing I could change
I would have called to say goodbye
I didn't know that Friday was
The last time
But reality
Isn't that easy
Questions go unanswered
Fall in love and get hurt
Say some things you don't mean
Can't always say sorry
Lose something you once had
Never get the call back
Just wish they'd say those three words you never heard
Well I just leaned all my heroes have hard days too
I guess everyone cries in their living room
If you take it one day at a time you'll find
It's ok to feel like you are not alright
To just sit here
And be blue