Happy birthday, grandfather, my grandpa
You are eighty-four years old today
Today, the fourth of September
You are eighty-four now
Eighty four, eighty four
Live for over a hundred years
Live, live, live
More, more, more
Please, please, please
You are a good grandfather
Who nursed me
When I was a child
Just a little kid
I remember that, I remember that
You came to me
Brought sweets
And made me happy
And nursed me
When I was child, when I was child
You can do everything and always
How to build a house
How to repair a car
And how to chat less
And do more
Live long, be healthy
Happy Birthday to You
Eighty-four to you now
Be a centenarian, please
Be long-liver, please
September is your month
As golden as you
My grandfather was born today
September Fourth, Fourth
And he eighty-four years old
Today, today, today
Live long, my grandfather
Live long and be healthy
I love you! You are golden