What is this?
What do I see?
A stream overflown, leaking it seems
Where to put your foot down?
Where's the ground?
Depends on the source, you depend on a source
Was it mainstream or alternative, they feed what fits the taste
They paint what you can fit in your view
(Out of your) puny vessels
(Out of your) stranded fables
(Out of your) dead and loose ends
This is it
All thee offsprings of division and derange
Unable to change
No-one can see themselves as a foe
Everyone needs to hold a higher ground, a higher status
I don't mean to prowl and mock but there's one thing left to ask;
Was it you, was it I who sowed?
Who'll reap?
All illusions have come of age
Just like your sight and taste
Old enough to ask with scorn;
How's your view?
(Out of your) puny vessels
(Out of your) stranded fables
(Out of your) dead and loose ends
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Revi kaaosta, hajota
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Revi kaaosta, hajota
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