Be as present as a star
That's dying
And slowly turns
Into a cloud
And I will hold you
And I will breathe you in
And I will slowly
Breathe you out
That's love to me
The way we're breathing
Each other
Out and in
And when I'm breathing you out
You're breathing me in
We're lying there breathing in the night
Chin to chin
Our love is present like a star
That's dying
And dissolves
Into a cloud
And we can't hold it very long
But we can breathe it in
And we can slowly breathe it out
That's love to me
The way it's changing
And evolving
Into something else
And its always present now
In this moment
We just need to see
More clearly
Be yourself
And I will love you
As myself
Would love me to
And be as true
As existence
And existence
Will be true to you
Yes that's love to me
All that we feel
In this moment
That is all that can be
Yes that's love to me
All that can be
When we're here