I don't ask for much
I just ask for a part of you that's true
Would you share that with me
I'm not much myself
And I don't need to be
That's really all
I need to see
If you trust me once
I'll trust that part of you
For the rest of my life
And you will have that
At least
But if you ain't got time
Then don't take mine
Hoping that some time will save your life
Hoping that my time will save your lies
I don't need no thing
No thing to love
Cause I am in love
All the time
And I don't need no thing
No thing to touch
Cause I am in touch
All the time
But if you ain't got energy
To be all that you can be
Then don't you try and steal away from me
Cause that ain't never gonna set you free
And if you ain't got a meaning of life
Then don't you patronize mine
Hoping it will bring you some identity
Cause I tried and it didn't do the trick for me
And so the question is
Do you want pain or bliss
You're gonna get them both
But more or less
And the question is
Do you wanna find or miss
Out on all that you can see
Out on all that you can be
But if you ain't got the will to truly live
Then sorry I've got none to give
Cause that's the business of your own
It's all the business of our own
Miou uiou io