Uh oh, there's blood on my hands
I dreamed I killed a man
Oh memory, wash away
My knife, see not the wound, see not the wound you make
Uh oh, there's blood at my feet
I'm neither lovely nor a queen
Guilt has spread like a wild fire
And it burns, it burns, it burns so cruelly
Out, out, damned spot! Out! Away!
Wash, wash, my lady, wash, I say
I've seen in sleep
What will these hands never be clean?
Uh oh, there's blood in my touch
I've laid my hands on much too much
That's turned to blood-cold stone
To murky hell, to hell my soul will go
Out, out, damned spot! Out! Away!
Wash, wash, my lady, wash, I say
I've seen in sleep
What will these hands never be clean?
And now I'd give
All that I have to make my body clean
So how is it
That the blood remains on me?
There's blood in my eyes
These eyes of guilt are open wide
To bed, to bed! But no, not I!
I'll never sleep again lest I kill another man
As long as I breathe
This blood remains on me
Out, out, damned spot! Out! Away!
Wash, wash, my lady, wash, I say
I've seen in sleep
What will these hands never be clean?