Each night I sit on my front steps
And smoke a camel cigarette
I wear my mother's penny coat
And contemplate the things I've said
Last night, I saw a sulking wolf
And watched him as a car passed by
He shook his mane and he bared his teeth
The amber headlights lit his eyes
And I watched the wolf pad up and down the street
As if in search of prey
His feral grunting met my ears
He crept towards the place I stayed
I did not move, I was not scared
This beast was gaunt and mangy
I met his hollow, hungry gaze
Then blew a cloud into his face
The wolf laid back his leather ears
His grey tongue licked his rotting chops
He stood there for a moment more
Then he left me with my ugly thoughts
So now I sit on the back porch
And listen to the radio
I gave up smoking long ago
But I still think about that wolf
But now it feels like I'm seeing you
When I don't even have a reason to
I thought I left you on the other side
Why didn't I leave you on the other side?