Cut man
Ice man
Bomb man
Fire man
Electric man
Take out the guts from the blunt man
Enemy's I do kill
I'm after the blue pill
Running and gunning
The dr. Made me too real
Playing the game fast
Like sonic on green hill
Need to act quickly this game has no chill
Bubble man
Air man
Quick man
Wood man
Crash man
Flash man
Metal man
Heat up the doobie man
Collecting all the ruby's man
Blasting the cannan
Like you heard me on the Masterplan
Underwater to the sky
Levels I cant understand
Mix the gin and the zan
I need to shoot with my other hand
Falling from the air I cannot land
Born in the 80's man
Snake man
Needle man
Top man
Shadow man
Magnet man
Gemini man
Hard man
Who trying to Spark man
Repeat hit the start man
This game is so hard man
I hope the classic just rots
Game over all dark